SCCM WSUS Proxy – Allow Basic Authentication

I was at a clients today and came across the issue to do with Credentials for a proxy that are required to be sent as clear text. The exact tick box wording is:

  • “Allow Basic Authentication (password is sent in cleartext)”

Anyway after hunting around to find a solution for SCCM 2012 and above installations, I came to the conclusion that it would be quicker to write a script to check the configuration and change if it has been removed by SCCM. This script runs as a scheduled task and I have included the XML for that also below.

The Script:

# Author  : SCCMOG - Richie Schuster C5                                        #
# Website :                                                     #
# Usage   : .\Set-WSUSCredsNonSSL                                              #
# Version : 2.7                                                                #
# Created : 2014/07/17                                                         #
# Purpose : This script was created to be run as a scheduled task to reset the #
#         : "Allow Basic Authentication" in the proxy server settingd of WSUS  #
#         : as SCCM removes this setting while performaing maintanance tasks.  #

#Connect to WSUS Configuration
#Set WSUS server to connect to
$wsusserver = "SCCMOG-CM-01"

#Load required assemblies

#Connect to WSUS Remote
#$wsus = [Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.AdminProxy]::getUpdateServer($wsusserver,$false)
#Connect to WSUS Local
$wsus = [Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.AdminProxy]::getUpdateServer()

#$WSUS | FL *
#$WSUS | Get-Member

$Config = $wsus.GetConfiguration()
$CurrentSetting = $Config.AllowProxyCredentialsOverNonSsl

If ($CurrentSetting -ne $true){
    Write-Host "Incorrect... Correcting!" -ForegroundColor Yellow
    $Config.AllowProxyCredentialsOverNonSsl = $true
    Exit 0
Else {
    Write-Host "Still Correct!" -ForegroundColor Green
    Exit 0


The Scheduled Task XML to be imported:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
<Task version="1.2" xmlns="">
    <Principal id="Author">
  <Actions Context="Author">
      <Arguments>-Executionpolicy Bypass -file E:\Change\ToYourLocation\Set-WSUSCredsNonSSL.ps1</Arguments>

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