PowerShell Export Collection Members to CSV SCCM ConfigMgr

I was at a client’s yesterday and wanted to “True Up” SCCM/ConfigMgr’s Collection memberships compared to a spread sheet they had of their servers. Now I’m not an Excel wizard by any stretch of the Imagination! So the client said “Can you get me a CSV with the server names listed”.

The next thing that happened is bellow! It’s really quite a simple script when you think about it. As always comments throughout the script explain what is happening.

Anyway here it is:

#Author:   Richie Schuster - SCCMOG.COM                                                                         #
#ModdedBy: You Name Here                                                                                        #
#Script:   Export-CMCollectionMembers                                                                           #
#Date:     23/05/2017                                                                                           #
#Usage:    Export-CMCollectionMembers -CollectionIDs S0G000F4,S0G000F2 -SiteCode S0G -CSVout C:\Temp\YourCSV.CSV#
#Update:   26/06/2017 - Removed Quotes from output.                                                             #
#Input Parameters for Script
param (
[parameter(mandatory=$true,HelpMessage="Please, provide Collection ID(s). To list more than one Collection ID seprate with , e.g. S0G000F4,S0G000F2")][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][String[]]$CollectionIDS,
[parameter(mandatory=$true,HelpMessage="Please, provide a SCCM SiteCode. e.g S0G")][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][String]$SiteCode,
[parameter(mandatory=$true,HelpMessage="Please, provide a location to save the Exported CSV with the filename. e.g C:\Temp\YourCSV.CSV")][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][String]$CSVOut

#Set delimiter for CSV
$delimiter = ','

#Import the ConfigurationManager.psd1 module 
Import-Module "$($ENV:SMS_ADMIN_UI_PATH)\..\ConfigurationManager.psd1"
# Set the current location to be the site code. 
Set-Location "$SiteCode`:"

#Loop through Collection Members and add to Variable
Foreach ($Collection in $CollectionIDS) {
$MembersSep = Get-CMCollectionMember -CollectionId $Collection | Select-Object Name
$Members += $MembersSep

#Export to CSV specified removing quotes.
$Members | ConvertTo-Csv -Delimiter $delimiter -NoTypeInformation | foreach { $_ -replace '^"','' -replace "`"$delimiter`"",$delimiter -replace '"$','' } | out-file $CSVOut -fo -en ascii
#Set Location Back to Script Root
Set-Location -Path $PSScriptRoot


4 Replies to “PowerShell Export Collection Members to CSV SCCM ConfigMgr”

  1. hello,

    Thanks for the script.
    I ran the script, but i couldn’t get the results.
    when I run the script , its asking for collection ID, which I gave and then it stops at

    #Set delimiter for CSV
    $delimiter = ‘,’

    then what values we have to input in?


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