Get Logged On User WMI PowerShell

Ever needed to figure out who is logged on when deploying software to a machine with SCCM?
Maybe you needed to do so… like me… to copy a specific file into that users AppData?

Anyway quick PowerShell script to figure out the currently logged on user of a Machine.

#Author: SCCMOG.COM - Richie Schuster                                          #
#Date: 04/03/2017                                                              #
#Script Name: Get Logged on User                                               #

#Get logged on User
$Loggedon = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $env:COMPUTERNAME -Class Win32_Computersystem | Select-Object UserName
#Split User and Domain
$Domain,$User = $Loggedon.Username.split('\',2)
Write-Host $Domain
Write-Host $User


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