Disable or Enable Sophos Services PowerShell Script

I was working at a clients the other month and was getting frustrated with Sophos interfering with what I was try to accomplish.

Here is a quick script to Disable the Sophos services when needed and then Enable the Sophos services when you have finished. Commands are in the info of the script.

#Script Name:   Disable/Enable Sophos                                                                   #
#Script Author: SCCMOG - Richie Schuster 03/03/2017 WWW.SCCMOG.COM                                      #
#Script Usage: "Disable-Enable_Sophos.ps1 -Mode Disable" to disable and "-Mode enable" to enable.       #
 #Install Mode Parameter
#Sophos Service names
$SophosServices = @("Sophos Agent", "SAVService", "SAVAdminService",`
                    "Sophos AutoUpdate Service", "Sophos Device Control Service",`
                    "Sophos Message Router", "SntpService", "sophossps",`
                    "Sophos Web Control Service", "swi_service", "swi_update_64")

#If entry is input run script
If ($mode -ne $null){   
    #If Mode input is Enable - Enable sophos services
    If ($MODE -eq "Enable"){
        foreach ($Service in $SophosServices){
                Set-Service -Name $Service -StartupType Automatic
                start-Service -Name $Service -Force
    #If Model is Disable - Disable sophos  services
    If ($MODE -eq "Disable"){                
        foreach ($Service in $SophosServices){
                Set-Service -Name $Service -StartupType Disabled
                Stop-Service -Name $Service -Force
    #If mode input does not match inform user.
        Write-host 'Incorrect Params please format this way: "Disable-Enable_Sophos.ps1 -Mode Disable"`
                    to disable and "-Mode enable" to enable.'
#If params are not specified then inform.
    Write-host 'Script Params must be used : "Disable-Enable_Sophos.ps1 -Mode Disable" to disable and`
               "-Mode enable" to enable.'

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