Persist all Drivers at Sysprep stage

Ok, So I was capturing a very specific build for a government Audiology department the other day and needed to keep all drivers in the image as there were Hearing Aid and Hearing measurement devices that would need to be operated from these machines.

To do this is quite simple actually, just make sure BEFORE you kick off sysprep, whether that’s through SCCM, MDT or manually that you change these registry keys.

Navigate to:


Keep drivers during sysprep phase.

And then set:

  • PersistAllDeviceInstalls to 1 – This will keep all drivers for hardware that is connected to the machine at the time of sysprep.
  • DoNotCleanUpNonPresentDevices to 1 – This coupled with the above will addtionally keep all drivers for hardware that are not connected to the machine at the time of sysprep.


If you are using an answer file for sysprep configure your answer file to persist the drivers by adding the PersistAllDeviceInstalls setting in the Microsoft-Windows-PnPSysprep and giving it a value of true.

2 Replies to “Persist all Drivers at Sysprep stage”

  1. Wow, so simple and easy! I first read MS’s report on how to do this in 20 steps, arghh!

    Thank you so very much!!!!!

    This problem occurred for me right after I deployed a Sysprepped image, didn’t matter whether the drivers persisted or were removed using OOBE.

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