This is just a quick post to help those who are struggling to find the correct syntax to place into the program (CMD line) field when deploying a PowerShell Script as an application or program for that matter using SCCM.
For an “Application” “Deployment type” just place this into the Program line.
Powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -File Your-Scriptfilename.PS1
For a “Package” “Program ” just place this into the CMD line.
"%Windir%\sysnative\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command .\Your-Scriptfilename.ps1
Note: When using MDT install applications step in you task sequence (Customsettings or MDT DB driven) to install programs this also works a treat!
You can add other properties also like -NoProfile but to be honest I have found this to work 100% of the time without the need for those extras. Just make sure you detection method is solid!
Thanks for publishing sccm material
Happy Days!
Are you able to execute commands such as “Start-Process” or “Start-Job” inside the “Your-Scriptfilename.PS1” script executed by SCCM?
Executing the script containing these commands manually works but executing the same script with SCCM returns a powershell.exe error message “The application was unable to start correctly (0x0000142)”
Yes I do this all the time, I use PowerShell to wrap my deployments.
Yes I do this all the time, I use PowerShell to wrap my deployments.
Would you like an example?
Isn’t “sysnative” going to depend on 32 vs. 64 bit? Or will that “sysnative” work 100% of the time for all versions of w7 and w10, with both 32-bit & 64-bit? Also, this is a good article/tip, but screen-shots, start-to-finish, with full example, would be ideal. Thanks for this info!
It will always work 🙂
Worked like a charm. Thanx!
Happy Days!
What are the log files from SCCM\CCM\Log to follow the process.
I tested the PowerShell locally.
I deployed the PowerShell to the client, it is in the ccmcache folder
I do not see the execution???
Any idea?
If you have not changed the default installation folder for the ConfigMgr Client then the logs will be located here:
Thank you. Works decently well. Just a quick note. On my Windows 11 test pc the script fails if the ps1 file is located on a network share – so I had to have my script copy it over locally and then execute it. I don’t know if that’s a powershell feature or just a quirk of my script though.
No worries, I would guess you should map the address before access in your script.