Set IP during Task Sequence PowerShell – SCCM ConfigMgr MDT

So this Is an older script of mine that I developed for a client to receive variables from a task sequence and then assign the IP of the machine based off the variables. This specfic client set the IP variables on the actual Machine object in SCCM so that during the task sequence it would pull the machine specific IP details. Their Task seqeunce was running only ConfigMgr tasks but this could quite easily be re-used for a ConfigMgr / MDT task sequence using the custom settings or database to set the IP Variables.

As always this is as is, the usage is defined in the script header and if you do use it please remember to use the modded by field 🙂

#Author   : Richie Schuster C5 -
#ModdedBy : Your Name here....
#Date     : 23/06/2017
#Script   : Set-MachineNetworkConfiguration.ps1
#Usage    : Set-MachineNetworkConfiguration.ps1 -IPAdress %IPAddress% -Subnet %SubMask% -Gateway %GateWay% 
#         : -DNS1 %DNS1% -DNS2 %DNS2%
#         : There is also a Switch -RevDNSAuto that allows for the DNS to be auto set on revert or not.
#Info     : This script has been created to auto configure Network information during OSD using OSD Variables
#         : or using strings.

param (

<##Testing Variables
[string]$IPAddress = ""
[string]$Subnet = ""
[string]$Gateway = ""
[string]$DNS1 = ""
[string]$DNS2 = ""
[string]$PrimarySiteServer = ""
[switch]$RevDNSAuto = $false

$REVDNS1 = ""
$REVDNS2 = ""
#Create Task Sequence Variable Play!
$TSENV = New-Object -COMObject Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment

#Function to set IP Address - Credit ""
function Set-StaticIPAddress ($IPAddress, $Subnet, $Gateway, $DNS1, $DNS2) {
    $NewNetworkConfig = Get-WmiObject Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -Filter "IpEnabled = 'True'"
    $NewNetworkConfig.EnableStatic($IPAddress, $Subnet)
    $NewNetworkConfig.SetGateways($Gateway, 1)
    $NewNetworkConfig.SetDNSServerSearchOrder(@($DNS1, $DNS2))

#Set new Configuration
Set-StaticIPAddress $IPAddress $Subnet $Gateway $DNS1 $DNS2
#Sleep to take wait effect
sleep -Seconds 10
#Test Connection
If (Test-Connection -ComputerName $PrimarySiteServer -Count 10) {
    #If connection succeded...
    Write-Host "Configuration Succeeded!" -ForegroundColor Green
    #Set Task seqeunce Variable to False
    $TSENV.Value("NetworkConfig") = "Static"
    #Exit 0
Else {
    #If connection failed...
    Write-Host "Configuration Failed! Setting back to DHCP!" -ForegroundColor Yellow
    #Set Task seqeunce Variable to False
    $TSENV.Value("NetworkConfig") = "DHCP"
    #Get current IP settings swap to DHCP
    $CurrentNetworkConfig = Get-WmiObject Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -Filter "IPEnabled = 'True'"
    #Set DNS Servers check switch
    If ($RevDNSAuto -ne $true) {
        #Set DNS to specified variable values
    Else {
        #Set DNS to Auto
    #Enable DHCP
    #Wait for configuration to complete
    Sleep -Seconds 10
    #Exit 0

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