Deploying .Net 4.5.1 – 4.6.1 Silently With SCCM

So today I created a deployment for .Net 4.6.1 and 4.5.1 Windows 7 Enterprise.
.Net is notoriously difficult to deploy silently, I have done it before many times and every time I did it I would refer to a text file I had saved with the commands in it, let me add that finding those commands was a “that will be useful” moment and I didn’t save it to my normal One Drive archive!
So yes I lost it… Anyways I’m sure you’ve probably already skipped to the good bit and if you haven’t you are wanting me to stop blabbering and give you the command..
So here it is:

“dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe /q /norestart /ChainingPackage ADMINDEPLOYMENT”

Also in the deployment Type settings you must check the checkbox:

Run installation and uninstall program as a 32bit process on 64-bit clients.

Just place that into the command line box for the Application or Program, change the exe name to what you have, check the box and also make sure the quotes don’t copy over incorrectly if you are building a script.
Hope this saves some time!


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